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From acne to ace - we will help transform you


Acne or Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory skin condition that commonly occurs in teenagers and youngsters. The condition affects the oil glands of the skin and the hair follicles. Acne is caused when the secretions of the sebaceous glands plug the openings of the hair follicles.  Rediscover clear, glowing skin with the best acne treatment in Delhi—book your consultation today!

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Acne and pimples are synonyms, acne is medical term while pimples is common term. Acnes are basically disease of sebaceous glands (Oil glands), commonly present on upper part of body like scalp, face, chest, upper back and arms. Basically there are few changes that can lead to acne or swelling in sebaceous glands, changes like –
  • Increase oil production under influence of hormones
  • Increase layers in the duct of glands leads to blockade of sebaceous duct
  • Bacterial infection ( specially p. acne bacteria)
  • Acne can be caused by -
  • Excessive hormonal action on skin ( like PCOS in females)
  • Diet – Oily food, high carbohydrate diet, Chocolates,
  • Certain Medicines like steroids
  • Excessive or long application of make-up
  • Stress induced pimples
  • Chemicals and pollution
  • Broadly pimples can be classified into 4 types
    1. Comedonal pimples or White heads and Black heads
    2. Papular pimples– means small raised pimples with mild redness
    3. Pustular Pimples – Pimples filled with pus, this indicates bacterial infection
    4. Nodulo-cyctic pimples – These are severe forms of acne, with swelling and lot of pus.

    Individuals who struggle with acne recurrently often settle on acne treatments. Diverse individuals react differently to acne; some folks become withdrawn while some folks are not much concerned. Psychological effect of acne does not depend on the physical gradation of it but on an individual’s thinking. Acne treatments help folks even those who are not deeply affected by it on emotional level. These treatment upsurges self-confidence and boosts self-image.

    Doctor customise treatment of acne on basis of – types of acne, severity of acne, type of skin. Here are some treatment options —

    General care – Minor acne problems can be manage with general skin care like proper face wash and care.
    Medical treatment – Medical treatments include oral and topical medications which is decided by doctor according to need of skin.
    Organic Peeling treatment - This is one of Best treatment for Acne which not only treat pimples but also colour and texture of skin.
    Laser Treatment – This is mainly for acne scars.

    Committed to patient satisfaction

    Why Choose SkinQure for Acne Treatments:

    More Than 13 Years of Experience
    World-Class Technology
    Treatments & Procudures done by Expert Dermatologist

    See our Results

    Ready to Transform Yourself?

    quote One of our patient, Ms. Harshita sharma finally got rid of acne and she is very happy with her smooth skin and the way she looks. She has shared her overall experience in a short video, click to hear her SkinQure experience.

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    Watch Video

    Dr Jangid explains about Acne, skincare and treatment options


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